Clear waters from pharmaceuticals 2 (CWPharma 2) project – final seminar
23rd November 2021
Registration (no fees):
In CWPharma project, input pathways of pharmaceuticals into the Baltic Sea, both via regular use and improper disposal, were identified and modelled as part of an extensive screening program. At the same time, it was also investigated with which technical, but also non-technical measures a reduction of pharmaceutical emissions into the aquatic environment can be achieved. The results were documented in several guidelines with recommendations for action for authorities, WWTP operators and political decision-makers.
The focus of the CWPharma 2 project is on the practical implementation of CWPharma’s main output “Guideline for advanced API removal processes”, which provides a summary on relevant aspects to be considered when planning or operating a WWTP with a pharmaceutical reduction stage. The different modules cover a WWTP fitness check, feasibility studies, short-term piloting activities as well as optimization of running systems. This webinar compiles the results of CWPharma 2 project and will provide a feedback on how this guideline can be used in practice.
Preliminary program (08:30 – 12:00, CET):
8:30: Arrival at the webinar, welcome coffee
8:40: Introduction to the CWPharma2 project (Kai Bester, Aarhus University)
8:55: Welcome from INTERRG BSR (Marina Kislyak, Interreg BSR MA/JS)
9:05: Welcome from HELCOM (Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky, HELCOM)
9:20: Fitness tests of WWTPs for API removal in the BSR (Michael Stapf, Berlin Centre of Competence for water)
9:50: Feasibility study of pharmaceutical removal at WWTP Helsinki (Kuokkanen Anna, Helsinki Region Environmental services Authority)
10:10: Coffee break
10:30: Bromate mitigation in Kalundborg (Preben Thisgaard, Kalundborg Utility)
10:50: Feasibility and piloting of pharmaceutical removal in Hillerød (Kai Bester, Aarhus University & Jørgen Skaarup, Hillerød Utility)
11:35: Awareness rising on pharmaceutical problems (Ieva Putna-Nimane, Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology)
12:00: Closing (Kai Bester, Aarhus University)